Saturday, June 6, 2015

New MRI of Brain in 2015

Got the results this week.  I had waited a couple of months as I was a bit afraid to read it and for good reason.  It indicated that the disease (MSA) is still alive and well and eating up my brain.  There was significant cerebella atrophy this time.  Of course, I knew there would be based on my symptoms the past year (I had not had an MRI of my brain since summer, 2008).  My body can no longer regulate temperature, I have difficulty sleeping, leg pain, digestive problems, etc.  At first I was devastated and teared up.  I happened to go by church after the appt. in order to empty the dishwasher and ran into our minister who noticed something was wrong so I told him.  I then told a handful of other trusted friends.  However, as I told folks I realized that it was OK.  It is what it is.  I am just thankful that I can walk and talk and process information.  In fact, I am doing pretty good, all things considered.  So, get over worrying about it, self, and start living again!

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